30+ Feline Felons Who Prove That Trouble Is Never Far Away
Like it or not, cats have a way of winning you over. They may make a mess of things, break all your glassware, and transform every furniture leg into a scratch post. However, we are certain you will still keep them plump and pampered because they know they are royalty.
Indeed, most cats have many sides to them. Even when they appear hungry and irritable, they still have a way of securing handouts and cuddles from passersby and guests. Others appear docile until you try to touch them, and they turn on you.
To keep other people from falling prey to their cats’ antics, these 30+ cat owners left notes on refrigerator doors, the front porch, or even via text message. Here’s a golden rule to live by: if it isn’t your cat, leave it alone. If you leave these notes unheeded, you may become a feline’s next victim!
Birthday Grinch
Growing older is never easy on anyone. With our joints aching, we can always tell when age is catching up. It seems we humans aren’t the only species that are cranky about blowing out those candles. George, the cat, is quite the grinch during his birth month.

The locals have put up this picture of him, warning foreigners to leave him alone. The report says that George meows a lot but is neither hungry nor lost. He just wants to greet people, and this is his way of having fun. So, wish him a happy birthday and scram!
Leave It On the Tabletop, and You Pay For It
It doesn’t matter if you’ve finished your drink or not. Once you pay for your tab, make sure the bartender takes your glass, then leave. At least, that’s the policy in this establishment. If you leave anything on the tabletop, you will find it on the floor, thanks to this temperamental feline.

Do not believe for one moment that he’s deep asleep. Once you leave the table, he will crack one eye open to check if there’s any glass on top. If he spies one, he will lazily stretch himself until he knocks that glassware off the tabletop.
Mud Bath for Cats
This seems like the most unlikely scenario for cats. Who knew they liked playing around in dirty water? These cats frequently visit the toilet to cool themselves down. Maybe it’s just the summer heat. Do you think they self-groom after a bath in the toilet?

Whatever the case, this pet owner decided not to take any chances. She didn’t want to come home to a litter of cats that were in need of a bath. Additionally, the cats claw at her and are also quite fast. So, even when they need baths, it’s usually pandemonium before they get clean.
Locked Outside for A Reason
Cats can be frustratingly indecisive sometimes. One minute, they want out of the house, the next minute, they want to get back in. So, instead of hiring a doorman to let this cat in, this couple decided to lock her out of the house to bask in the sun!

With time, the cat has learned to use trees for shade. Any time she feels that it’s too hot outside, she climbs a tree and comfortably perches herself on its wide branches. Not to worry, the couple always opens the door to let her in just before dinner.
Lightning Quick
These pet parents can’t count the number of times guests have been taken aback by their lightning-quick cat rushing in and out of the door. Once it catches sight of the lawn, it immediately scrambles outside just before the door shuts.

We can already imagine how guests put a hand towards their chest and mumble an apology each time it happens. Then, just as quickly as it dashed out of the door, the cat rushes back in. By the look of innocence on its face, you can’t tell how mischievous it really is.
Freeloading Feline
This cat has mastered the art of growing on people. You will see it visiting several houses at a time. It will play on your emotions and ask for a couple of treats. Apparently, it even purred its way to having the priciest milk on a stranger’s shelf!

As quickly as he is fed, this friendly puss then makes himself at home. Probably by picking a warm spot (like your lap) and nodding off. After this happened several times, his owner put this collar on him to warn other folks.
Busy Cat
With only a handful of people on duty, it’s all hands on deck in this shop. The owner mans the cashier and oversees the employees, his kids assist customers and stock the shelves, and the cat, well, consider her the store mascot.

Just don’t let her get close to you. She may be tempted to swipe at your ankle or play with the keychains hanging off your bag. Also, don’t make the mistake of petting this store cat. She will mark you and make you re-evaluate your tendency to pet cute animals.
She Said, He Said
We have all heard different versions of one story several times. It really depends on who you are listening to and how believable they are to you. Today, we encounter a conflicting story between Diane, a cat owner, and her cat. Which side do you believe?

We don’t know about you, but we believe cat. Mainly because we are not sure we like the shouty capitals Diane used for her memo. Also, Cat just sounds like a normal, happy furbaby who loves tuna and hates going to the vet. Totally believable.
Don’t Even Think About It
This guy thought it was his lucky day. He had come across a friendly kitty by the park, and it was love at first sight. He looked around and didn’t see anyone coming to claim the cat. Naturally, he checked the collar next.

Wish I hadn’t read that. No doubt he was tempted to remove the collar from its neck and bring him home. It’s not like anyone could tell, right? But luckily, he didn’t go through with it. Judging by the collar, the cat had probably been in a similar situation more than once.
Drain Everything Before Leaving
Of all house rules, there is one that everyone holds most sacred: do not leave drinks unattended. Whether it’s a glass of water, champagne, or even chocolate milk, finish it before leaving the container on the countertop. You wouldn’t want to be cleaning up after this cat’s mess.

Trust us. This furball will look you up and down and stand seemingly calm on the side until you forget you had left it there. Then, it will slink towards the container, sniff it, knock it down and watch it freefall into the carpet. Whoops. Thought gravity wouldn’t work this time.
Gone Rogue
This is one determined feline. His parents were probably alarmed that he was putting on too much weight, so they decided to ban snacks after 8 pm. To satisfy his cravings, this sneaky boi tries to steal food whenever someone opens the refrigerator door.

If I could just…ugh. From his wily behavior, we’re thinking he probably sharpened his claws to increase his chances of snaking that plastic bag. We can only hope he is fast enough to remove his hand if someone misses that bold sign. Otherwise, that will surely be the end of his snacking days.
Plays the Victim
Have you ever come across someone who loves to play the victim? There’s always something off about them. Whether it’s their story, their look, or their crocodile tears, you can always tell if someone is playing on your emotions, kind of like this cat who loves to cry bulls***.

First, it will be about how his fur is wet and matted and how he is never brought to the salon. Then, it’ll be about the lack of catnip. There’s nothing to help his digestion. Lastly, it will be the lack of acceptable food. Somehow, his steak is always either underdone or toast!
Don’t…And Oh, Sorry
“What’s causing the delay?” the residents wondered since there was a line to the elevator. Apparently, people were taking the time to read this memo about not feeding a cat. Says here that he’s getting sick from getting too many treats.

Despite the neighbors’ good intentions, the cat seems to get sicker and sicker. Makes sense. Also, with a dwindling rodent population, he hasn’t been getting the exercise he needs to burn off those excess carbs. Life can be tough for predators, too.
One Warning Isn’t Enough
This cat owner had had it with the deliverymen. He repeatedly informed them to close the door shut after they dropped off the packages. But he finds himself mobilizing search parties every so often to look for his feline trio every time they run out. So, he decided to put up more signs.

Seems legit enough, right? Initially, these guys probably shrugged off the first sign. Cats can’t be that fast. Then, after reading the second warning, in all caps, they started to believe it a little bit. After the third, they were sold on leaving the packages out front.
Wasn’t Me
This cat owner had some wise words for anyone who passed by the house window. Keep your eyes on the ground. Avoid eye contact with this cat. Maybe she’ll enchant you with one look and keep you in a trance for as long as she wants.

If it hadn’t been for that pair of leather gloves, this fur mum would have never known that her cat was capable of letting itself out of the house and getting into other homes in the neighborhood. Either that or an intruder got in, and the cat is being punished for nothing.
Ooh, Terrifying!
If you pass by this house, you’ll see an unlikely animal guarding the front steps. Make no mistake, this critter can pack a punch. It has probably been clawing at the scratching post for several hours a day. One swipe to your precious skin, and you’ll be reeling over in pain.

So much for the scary sign, complete with a fake mustache. It makes us think of a beefy bouncer at an exclusive club which is probably what whoever made the sign was going for. However, we bet the sign makes people laugh rather than make them scared.
That’s What Kindness Gets You
This woman was in for the shock of her life when she found this clowder of cats staring at her from the front porch. After a second look, she recognized one and was certain that it was the same stray cat she had given food to the previous day.

This mum knows how to take care of her family. Wanting to get everyone fed, she tagged her children along to the kind lady’s house and made them get in formation. After that, they had to wear their most innocent looks. Now, who would have the heart to turn these little guys away?
The Hollow Cat
Remember the 2000 sci-fi horror film, Hollow Man? A scientist discovers a solution that renders him completely invisible. Soon, he starts breaking into people’s homes while they’re asleep, confident that he can’t be seen by anyone. Like the mad scientist, this cat had a habit of breaking into people’s homes.

He probably thought he couldn’t be seen, but the joke was on him. People in the building started complaining about the unlikely trespasser, so his owners made this funny sign. With neighbors slamming their doors in his face, he is now left with no choice but to turn back and head home.
Habitual Delinquent
We know how tough it can be to be prescribed a particular diet. You might be craving pizza or spaghetti, but you’re forced to eat something completely different. Just like us, this cat did everything he could to get himself a serving of his favorite food.

Boy, are we lucky we don’t live in a neighborhood inhabited by calculating crooks and thieving cats! We would definitely fall for the likes of this pair. Too bad their days of hitting t big on the street are over. It was nice while it lasted.
Has To Be Treated Like Royalty
Look after them long enough, and cats will walk all over you. Take this one, for example; she doesn’t like using the side door. After living long enough and learning the ways of the world, she wants to be ushered in through the front door like a proper human.

Her owners have had it with strangers ringing the doorbell with misplaced good intentions. Once the door is opened, the cat scrams toward her bed and leaves the owner to explain the situation for the umpteenth time. No, there’s no abuse here. Just a serious case of entitlement.
Jiji’s Day
If cats could talk, we’re sure they would entertain us with their adventures. But they can’t, so instead, whoever this cat visits will have to recount the funny antics it has been up to. Every day, Jiji disappears, but apparently, he always has a fun time on these mysterious outings.

As they say, not all who wander are lost. Jiji just happens to be friendly and loves discovering the local neighborhood. Luckily for him, his parents trust him and are confident that he can return home to them unscathed. They’d just like to know more about his time away from them.
How Much of A Daredevil Are You?
People treat risks differently. One may love gambling their money, while another may be more frugal and careful about managing it. Similarly, some may like to insure their health and safety, whereas others love to pet Jack the Ripper. Twice!

You must be as pure as a saint if you want to pet Jack the Ripper’s belly. Such an unlikely name for a house cat. However, given the note, it sounds like an apt name for this bad-tempered kitty. Aren’t cats supposed to like rubs?
Likes The View
At first glance, this house seems pretty ordinary. But walk past the front door, and you will see this cat seemingly stuck by the frame. The moment it sees you, it will call for help. Just how did it get there? Easy. It placed itself there!

It just likes the undivided attention. It enjoys watching you panic and punch in numbers on your phone to alert the owners. Or better yet, the local fire department. Do you know what’s even better? Seeing his owner fuming and unable to do a thing about this shtick.
Keep Off the Magic Carpet
Wanna see a magic trick? Step right up, toss in your quarters, and then step on this magic carpet. In a second, you’ll watch blood trickle down your leg. If you don’t want to feel any pain, then it’s best that you observe this trick from a distance.

For the most part, this cat would prefer that you stay away. It doesn’t like its magic carpet being stepped on or anyone disturbing its sleep. At least, that’s what the sign says. So if you do, it’ll claw at you and then lazily fall back to watch you shriek at the sight of blood.
Target Locked
It was good that this man bothered to read the sign before sitting next to the cat and playing with it. By the text size, it’s hard to tell that the notice is relevant, let alone that it pertained to the feline wanderer lounging on the office chairs.

The cat stared at him and waited for him to make a move. Just one stroke, human; I dare you. Its whiskers twitched in anticipation. But there was nothing. This human backed off and sat at the far end of the aisle. No matter; there will be others who won’t be as wise.
Loyalty Can’t Be Bought
This is a tough lesson every good samaritan must learn: spoiling a cat will not buy their loyalty. So, imagine the disappointment of the folks who had fed this cat only to find out that she had a home and belonged to another.

Her owners eventually had to post these signs all over the neighborhood. It has kept a few townsfolk from feeding this cat, but every now and then, a stranger manages to spoil her rotten. It may be full of cheap tricks, but they sure work!
Interesting Missing Cats Poster
We have to hand it to Bronin Brown. When we first read this missing cat’s poster, a wave of emotions coursed through us. We were partly amused, partly afraid, and most importantly, we didn’t want anything to do with this cat. Anyone would call Bronin in a jiffy upon seeing this feline on the loose!

It would probably go something like, “Oh, we were so relieved that the ninja cat only passed by us. She walked in that direction” (we point towards the fast food restaurant). He sprints toward it and draws out his sword, which then clashes with the cat’s nails in one of the most epic sword battles.
When Nature Calls
One of the worst feelings in the world is having to hold it in when your body is just ready to let loose. You purse up, scramble towards the bathroom, and fumble for some rolls of tissue. This cat has often had to deal with this awkward situation.

To keep her from clawing at the door, her fur mum had to put this post-it by the door. Remember to keep the door open to let the cat through. The last thing anyone would want is fresh goo over that lush carpet.
The Wild Child
Guess there’s a silver lining to being friendly after all. Take it from this cat: he greets visitors, rubs his body against their leg, and shows his tummy while lying on their lap. And in return, he gets to be taken outside, and better yet, he gets treats!

Unfortunately, this cat is getting the carrot without having worked for it. Now his pet sitter advises everyone not to let him outside and not to give him treats unless he has successfully given you a high-five! This wild child sounds like our spirit animal.
The Heavyweight
Ever wondered why this apartment owner would leave the windows open? Well, that’s because they have a guard cat manning the fort nearly 24/7. It may disappear for minutes at a time to force food down its throat, but it returns to watch passersby like a hawk.

As you can see, he’s not as slim as other cats. Make no mistake, he can throw quite the punch with that body weight. And with sharply kept claws, there’s no denying that he can guard the place well. Ever thought of getting yourself your own guard cat?
When You Should Act Cold
Before you get yourself some cats, make sure to have a stone-cold heart. Most of the time, your furballs will look at you with those innocent eyes and ask for another serving of milk or meat. Stay strong! Don’t. Fall. For. It!

That goes for the babysitter as well, in case you need one. You need to find someone who won’t feel guilty about passing by these cats that keep rubbing against your leg. We have to commend whoever made this sign. The tiny illustrations make it pop!
Quite the Persuasive Liar
If you happen to be babysitting this cat, remember to bring one thing—earplugs. Apparently, it will do everything it can to force you into feeding it. It will start off with some baby purrs, then shrill shrieks, and lastly, a traitorous hiss.

In time, it will get tired of calling for your attention. Then, it will slink back to the corner and eye you malevolently. We can only imagine the number of ways it will come up with to get rid of you. But first, securing the stash of food in the locked drawer that’s more important.
Putting Up A Sign
How do cats get away with it? Getting fed after doing nothing but sleep all day? Well, it helps that they are ridiculously adorable and have a smooth furry coat we love running our fingers through. But that doesn’t give them a license to be mean.

Like the others, if you make the mistake of petting this cat while it sleeps, you will be met with scratches on your hand and forearm. It’s the boss, and it has never missed. And although it might be tempting to be the first, don’t bother trying.
Beware of Moose, or a Car Wreck Awaits You
Judging by the next photo, this parking lot has probably seen a number of wrecks. To keep other residents from having their cars destroyed, management put up a sign. Drive slowly, and be on the lookout for little Moose. Don’t say you weren’t warned!

It almost seems unbelievable that there are car wreckages caused by cats. Car owners are more likely to steer the car to the right (or left) and crash into another car than to run cats over. Kudos to Moose’s owners for getting him the cool sign, though.
The Best Defense
You know how people say the best defense is a good offense? Cat’s apparently know that too. That is why this one has the habit of skulking in the corner and then going in for the kill once the opportunity is presented to him.

This attack cat doesn’t like its space being invaded. So, visitors are warned to stay a safe distance of five meters or more. It may be easier to spot and avoid this cat in the daylight, but steer clear of this nook even at night…unless you think ten toes are too many.
Ungrateful Much?
There is no other animal on this planet that is quite as ungrateful as a cat. We love the adorable little monsters, but sometimes it seems that the immense efforts we go to, to make them happy are not appreciated.

Just look at Lemmy the Cat here. His parent/servant spends so much time worshipping, feeding, and pampering him, but Lemmy still runs away. We are sure that Lemmy will soon realize that the grass is not always greener on the other side.