Chubby Pug Realizes She’s Overweight After Failing To Fit Through Pet Door
If you ever thought that humans are the only creatures prone to obesity, then this adorable dog would make you change your mind. If you aren’t a pet keeper, hearing obesity in dogs may sound strange, but it’s real.
Such is the situation of the adorable pug dog, Sushi, who until she almost got trapped in a pet door thought everything was ok. Sushi lives with a wonderful family who takes good care of her. However, she now has weight issues, and everybody thinks a little extra playing and walking would help her greatly. This is, however, not an easy task for sushi in her current state.

The situation became glaring when her family decided to keep her out of sight to cater to their other dog for a few minutes. They moved sushi into a laundry room to keep their focus and avoid distractions from her.
There is this small pet door attached to the laundry room fixed by the previous homeowner. Though it is sized for cats, Sushi, in denial of her new size, decided to use it. You probably already guessed the results: she got trapped in the door.

Speaking to a social media site, Sushi’s mom, Rachel Wright, said her pet was determined to come out of the room to see whatever they were doing. And that decision proved costly for her. According to Rachel, she heard the dog scratching and came around to see what was happening. Of course, Sushi’s chubby frame wouldn’t pass through that cat-sized door easily. It took Rachel’s husband to let the dog out. Thankfully she was uninjured in her unfruitful adventure.