Dog Cones Transformed Into Adorable Creative Costumes

By Shivam B

Having to wear a medical cone is often a traumatizing experience for our furry friends. A pup was down in the dumps after he was asked to wear a cone. But his owner used her creativity to make the pup feel joy.

Image courtesy of Instagram/goldenfinnanigans

Gold Retriever Had To Wear Cone For Two Weeks

Finn, the golden retriever, was neutered. So, Finn had to wear his cone for two weeks. Seeing him upset, his owner added some decorations to his cone. Jenn Frates, his mom, understood that Finn could be made to wag his tail with joy after getting creative with his new accessory.

So, she sought help from Pinterest to make something special for Finn. He was more than happy to sport his new costumes. He loved showing off his hilariously creative costumes. 

His owner revealed that Finn willingly posed for pictures in his new costumes. All the images were taken in his usual spot on the balcony. His mom snapped plenty of photos for Finn’s Instagram. The dog sported his decorated cones with pride, courtesy of his creative owner.

In one photo, Finn’s cone looks like a waffle with a cherry on top. In another look, Finn sported the iron throne popular in Game of Thrones. Finn officially bagged the iron throne with his adorable pictures.

Another photo has Finn’s cone-like basketball hoop. Finn’s expert pose and the level of detail put into the look made it unique. Apart from becoming a top model, Finn can also consider getting into the NBA. 

Image courtesy of Instagram/goldenfinnanigans

Ending Note

Which look of Finn is your favorite? Take a cue from Finn’s owner and design something adorable for your canine friends.