Funny Faces Dogs Make When Interacting With Leaf Blowers

By Anthony K

Some dogs love it when you blow in their face. It doesn’t matter if you’ve just eaten peanut butter, or if you haven’t yet brushed your teeth in the morning, they love it all the same. Some owners took it up a notch and used leaf blowers to give their dogs a stiff breeze. They noticed that the faces their dogs made were hilarious, and just had to take pictures to share with the world. Check out these “smiling” dogs enjoying leaf blowers!

1. Cutest Smile Ever

Not everyone is confident when they smile. But this dog is far from shy as he believes that his teeth are white and clean.

Image courtesy of HelloControl_/Reddit

The leaf blower prompts the dog to reveal a cute smile allowing one to count the teeth. This smile could have won an award if dogs could be awarded for perfect smiles.

2. A Dog of Many Smiles and Faces

When you break the law, better hope that nobody can identify you in the police lineup. This dog may have mastered the art of face distortion. No facial recognition could capture that face!

Image courtesy of renutafunhouse/Reddit

We can’t tell if he’s uncomfortable, or loving the feeling of a strong breeze.

3. Down for Karaoke

We invite whoever said that dogs couldn’t sing to take a look at this. The cute dog takes the wind with courage, using the leaf blower as a microphone.

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We’re curious to learn about the song this dog is singing. Lazy musicians that can’t give fans live performances should watch out as this dog may replace them in the next Coachella Concert.