Meet the characters of “Dog” of the Rings
What would you think if the characters in Lord of the Rings were replaced with man’s best friend, having wagging tails and furs? It is not the first time that people believe that pets resemble their owners. Just so happens that big men tend to be attracted to big dogs. Now back to Lord of the Rings, imagine if the script was changed from bringing the Ring to Mordor to fetch games? Not interesting? You cannot be so sure until you try it. Interestingly, someone has brought this mash-up into expression. The person, Lady K replaced the characters in the movie with these breeds. She confirmed that someone told her that Saruman looked like an Afghan hound and that was all the inspiration she needed from the rest.
Which is your favorite mashup? Or, perhaps you have a suggestion for a better combination.
- Team Saruman-Hound
This is the mash-up of Saruman and an Afghan Hound.

- Team Gray
This is the combo of Gandalf The Gray and an Irish Wolfhound.

- Team Gim-Bull
A mix between Gimli and a Bulldog.

- Team Boe-mer
Here’s a combination of Eomer and a Boerboel.

- Team Eowyn
Although, Eowyn is too much of a badass to be depicted as a cute yet sad-eyed puppy.

- The Baggins
A pug? Let’s see what you think about this combo.

- The AfghanElves
Funny but quite a fitting combination of elves and Afghan Hounds.