The Peking Duck Getting Internet Fame For Its Peculiar Hairstyle
Gertrude, the lovely innocent-looking Peking duck, has become an internet sensation for her dazzling hairstyle. Her envied “hairdo ” -her crest of feathers – has become a talking point on the internet and likened to Albert Einstein, Queen Elizabeth, and George Washington. She became very popular after a picture of her on her owner’s social media went viral. She has since been featured in various magazines, advertisements, and tabloid covers in the UK.

Her owner, Holly Mead, based in Pennsylvania, has lots of ducks she keeps as pets. Love of birds runs in the family, and they enjoy the ducks being around. They have 25 chickens, 20 ducks, and 12 geese.
But Gertrude has a peculiar hairstyle making her attractive and popular. Holly revealed that Gertrude is three and a half years old. She hatched with a rare large crest lump that contributes to her beautiful hair growth. A raccoon killed her brother, named Golda, who died at age one.
Gertrude has talent contracts; hence, she lives indoors and wears diapers. She is an emotional support animal and pays visits to nursing homes and confinements. Aside from her fabulous hair, she has a wonderful and unique personality. She is very friendly but also quacks the loudest. In addition, she is smart, knows her name, and responds to it.
Crested Pekin Ducks, also known as American Pekins, originated from China in the nineteenth century. They have a large and heavy body and are mostly raised for meat. They can fly but are not good at it. Holly speaks fondly of her pet. She says it reminds her of the permed hairstyles of the 1960s.

Before you pick a duck as a pet, please do your research because they are petty unusual pets.